Legend of TotalWar complains of anti-player bias in his lengthy Total War streams. And other streamers, such as Dame Offensive (who plays at Very Hard) have taken up the call. Myself, I play at Easy, and even I experience anti-player bias.
Nations walk around their own historical enemies in order to attack you. Their troops don't rout when yours would (at those difficulty levels)
My suggestion: give the AI some lore-friendly cheats.
Settra should have 90% physical resistance when wearing his scarab.
Queek Headtaker should have a sprint ability that gives him +100% speed and the dodge ability (if he does not already have it) as in the book Headtaker (which I strongly recommend). However, the skaven don't need buffs.
The vampires should reappear in Sylvania whenever order there is below 50, and perhaps in the other vampire locations, such as the Necrarch, Strigoi and Silver Pinnacle locations. And of course any location that carries Nagash's name should be able to resurrect Arkhan's faction.
Teclis should have a much more powerful spell buff -- perhaps half cost for all spells -- but far fewer HP than other heroes.
Tyrion should have double his normal melee defense.
Alith Anar should reappear in any Naggaroth ruin.
The dwarves should be able to regain to full stamina after a forced march, and their major settlements should have traps, like Eltharion's.
Norsca could have a waagh-like mechanic when they capture key settlements, such as Couronne, but that is not related to the lore.
Note: I get my lore from the websites and streamers cited above and from books such as Headtaker, but not from the miniatures rules because those rule books are out of print and therefore not available to me.
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